Mr Turnbull's entire
economic policy and the reputation of the local Townsville Mayor and Queensland
Premier, is based around the covert implementation of smart technologies as part
of the Smart Cities Plan, Townsville City Deal.
The connection of which
to the internet is a threat to Australia's national security, personal safety
of its citizens and the country's sovereignty.
"Confirmed by an inside Council communication strategists, the Federal government's reason for not providing full public disclosure on the Smart Cities Plan is because it would lose public support."
Now while the ink is still drying on the Optus Telecommunications $20 million contract with the Townsville City Council, the Townsville Real Estate Blog's independent investigations reveal the real purpose of the Smart Cities Plan and catastrophic consequences to regional Cities.
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Under the cloak of an
orchestrated media launch flaunting federal funding for big projects such as
the North Queensland Stadium and Eastern Rail Link corridor, the Federal
government has out-muscled Mayor Jenny Hill and the Hon. Premier Anastasia
Queensland's pioneering
female politicians could become the sacrificial lamb of the Turnbull plan, laying
on the line their integrity over the lust for political fame and fortune. As
the employment prospects of the City continue to dwindle under the anticipated
introduction of 'artificial intelligence' machines, while manifesting security
breaches to service providers and citizens over the coming 10-20 years.
The "City
Deal" launch last week drew people's attention to a glossy brochure
announcing over $100 million in federal government funding called the Smart
Cities Plan, Townsville "City Deal". However, the projects announced were nothing further from the truth because the
stadium funding had already been committed by Mr Turnbull under an election
promise. What local leaders had not secured funding for, and the obvious elephant
in the room, was the critical water infrastructure problem threatening the
City's lifestyle and industrial viability.
Yet the delivery of
these large project funding announcements were depicted as depending on the
"City Deal" and support by the Turnbull government. The truth is any
funding deal depends on the authority of the sponsor just as it does the
recipient. Therefore, going ahead of the "City Deal" was a mutual
agreement between consenting parties.
To any seasoned sales
professional, the staged media launch in Townsville of the Turnbull,
Palaszczuk and Hill governments Townsville "City Deal"
represents one of the best "bait and switch" sales pitch ever seen
involving three incumbent political leaders. Seemingly flouting something that was 'too good to be true'.
So what is really going on behind
the scenes?
Calling out the fraud of The Townsville
"City Deal" delivered under the cloak of a retrospective big project
funding announcement is a likely bombshell to the leadership of the Australian
Liberal party, Queensland Labor and most importantly the citizens of North
Knowing all too well the
inherent threat to public safety and national security, these consortium states
and municipalities are effectively sponsoring technologies, developed and road tested in the UK and India. The technologies are owned mostly by the USA and
China. But the personal records of its citizens are being exposed to the
Chinese government, exploitative multi-national companies, global terrorists
and criminal hackers.
Confirmed by inside Council communication strategists, the Federal government's reason
for not providing full public disclosure on the Smart Cities Plan is because it
would lose public support.
the high risk and possible threat to the personal identity of its citizens, why
have two local leaders, and their departments, refrained from engaging in the
consultation phase of the Smart Cities Plan unlike other cities, state
departments and some individuals across the country who submitted their comments?
Is the political interest and personal legacy of the first female government leaders at both state and municipal levels in Queensland so important to not represent the interest of the people, and perhaps purposefully misinform or withhold critical information from them?
Or could the City's
leadership be so desperate and dependent on Federal government
funding, to the extent that they erred in their obligation to protect the
community with proper disclosure of the risks and core purpose of the federal
government's smart cities policy? Or could they have simply made an honest
the author of the famous Gonski report into Australian schools, and now
Chairman of the ANZ Bank, put the matter into context at the bank's board
meeting last week. "There is a large
degree of resentment and frustration evident which is manifesting itself in
disillusionment and disdain for politicians and for us in business"
Mr Gonski said. (Australian
Financial Review).
Sure innovation and
trade is important to the economy. So is effective decision-making by our
politicians. With or without a high stakes Internet of Things (IoT) network, under a political and government culture where diligent voter representation constitutionally exists, an infant could tell that the water and energy infrastructure of a growing City
like Townsville is most critical.
So in the context of
local politics, still the highest risk of the Smart Cities Plan is the
personal security of its citizens, and of course intellectual property of the
state and local commercial enterprises due to politicians’ poor decision-making
and policy framework.
While a politician's
risk is losing public support for such a risky policy at the ballot box. The
personal legacy risk of selling out voter interests ahead of the personal
interests of two pioneering politicians smashing through the glass ceiling of generational
sexual discrimination would be a heavy burden. Making no engagement in
consultation, knowing the severity of personal risk to the local leaders, sets the scene for a
perfect case of purposeful ignorance.
But if the public and
voters did not know what they are risking, in this case malicious attack by
cyber hackers and the theft of their personal identify data, than the political
risk is negligible. And in three years when the first review of the "City
Deal" implementation occurs, 'operational commercial confidentially'
provides the cover to justify not disclosing the deal again to the public or even conscientious
employees or whistle-blowers within government departments.
The Optus
Telecommunications contract signed today with the local Council is the first
seed of infinite commercial-in-confidence reasons why there is no turning back
if the community get "cold feet”. The reason hence with the Smart City
policy is being securely and secretly directed from within the Prime Minister's
The glossy launch of the
Townsville "City Deal" was designed to bribe and coerce local Council
leaders with large funding projects. In a desperate economic environment,
seducing a shell-shocked public with cash promises to bring prosperity and
To a non-technology
savvy generation, it brings back memories reminiscent of the 1980s when the
truth was an inconvenience to the creation of government and business schemes,
many of which were financially devastating to ordinary people.
To the general public,
power and money is the perfect aphrodisiac for poverty and pain. For a leader
it is statesmen-like and powerful. Surely it enhances the political image and
brand. Money and jobs are a smart marketing mix to create the mesmerizing
affect necessary to counter the political bravery of dealing with a voter backlash.
Any economists would
agree, non-greenfield fixed asset investments like the stadium and rail link
are replacing existing facilities and does not really bring meaningful
additional Gross Domestic Products (GDP), profits and jobs in the medium to
long-term, unlike the private investment of the Adani Coal mine or a new industry
player in the market.
Imagine the likes of
Australian-owned iterations of Intel, Google, Microsoft and Apple establishing their
headquarters in Townsville. Well the emerging
great irony of the Turnbull, Palaszczuk and Hill smart city consortium, if
their interest is creating an economic powerhouse in Northern Australia, is a
potential resources boom. But to who’s benefit?
one hand a mining operation that is the largest and oldest dirty energy
commodity being fossil fuel coal, while on the other hand Optus, Intel, IBM,
etc. are mining the cleanest energy commodity of human evolution, the
intellectual property and meta-data of people. And in a "big data"
world, large corporations need large databases with habits,
preferences, locations and spending priorities of consumers indexed for monitoring and analysis.
perhaps the later example is the ultimate objective. But the design technology
and change management plans are putting the safety and security of Australians in
danger in a global environment where threats to civilizations are becoming
increasingly more catastrophic and the economic interests of our
businesses are even more ambiguous.
Stayed turned for more information around this breaking story as TREB reveals further facts about the events, people and corporations behind Smart Cities Plan. Leave a comment below and engage with the discussions by sharing this blog.
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